Monday, November 15, 2010

Presentation Software

Presentation software can be a valuable daily tool in the classroom.  As a teacher it can be used to guide individual lessons, share ideas with colleagues and present information to parents.  Students can use the software to deliver reports, create class projects and use as a reference or study tool to remember the keypoints. 

I have recently used presentation software to prepare entire lessons.  This is not very different from my approach in trainings both in the education and private sector.  Powerpoint presentations are the number one tool in my training tool box.  That is why I find it so important in the classroom to organize lessons. 

During a recent lesson on adjectives I created an entire powerpoint to guide me.  The first slide opens the lesson with the anticipatory set and instructions for the initial assessment activity.  The powerpoint is pre-enabled with a feature to guide my time in order to allow for processing.  This feature is helpful for me as a new teature to assure that I do not rush through the content and I allow the students time to think.  Once we begin the lesson the presentation software leads me to a hyperlink to an instructional video.  The cartoon video appeals to different learners.  Again it is set on a specific time to allow for time management.  The next slide introduces hyper links to an e-book that supports the lesson.  As the slides continue I am guided through different activities that ensure I address each learner in my room.  The final two slides include the assement and closure.

I am most proud of the time management aspect of the lesson.  I am able to stay on task and encourage myself to allow for processing.  This is due to the prompting of each slide and activity.  There is room for flexibility by the touch of a forward or back button.  As I continue to  create lessons I will create powerpoints for themes that will be cumilative and provide the students printout of slides to use as notes.  This is a great way to be prepared for a substitute teacher. 

The students enjoyed my presentation and I happened to be observed by a district representative.  They were pleased with the the use of technology and the response of the students.

21st Century Skills encouraged by the implementation of presentation software includes the use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information.  Presentations are key in all fields.  I do not go one week without someone sharing a powerpoint with me for one work, school or otherwise.

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