Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 2 "Excel" in the classroom.

Databases in the classroom is something I am using but I did not realize how much.  Creating a schedule with my colleagues to serve the students, creating a chart that keeps track of accommodations, running queries to disseminate testing results, rubric information and much more.  When I reviewed the website I spent time reviewing  There are so many templates available that can assist the management of my caseload.  Calendars, lesson plan templates, worksheets, PowerPoint's, behavior incentives etc.  It is an affordable option.  The availability of these items online is manageable in comparison to the many hundreds of workbooks that are available to me at school.  The workbooks in my arsenal at school are overwhelming.  I spend so much time trying to decipher what I can use and getting them copied. 
The difficulty with adhering to pre-made templates is compatibility with my computer and alignment with the standards.  There are many lesson plans that will work in the classroom but I need to be sure to align the activities to the core content.

There are many opportunities accross the curriculum to implement databases and excel.  The projects are easy and appealing. Sorting information and presenting it in a way that is exciting and seems relevant.  When "leading" projects it will be important to allow the students to think through it on their own or in their groups.  The readings this week discussed how answers can be found in different ways and the process of storing the information and presenting it may vary. 

I look forward to implementing excel in a math group.  The children continue to struggle with multiplication.  They are able to use multiplication charts that we have printed up.  I am going to have the students create their own charts in order to use them.  I found that even when the children are handed a multiplication chart to use they struggle to understand them.  The process of creating the chart them selves should help.

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